Valéria offers osteopathic services on Mondays in Belgravia, in the City on Wednesdays, and in Lewisham on Thursdays (appointments available online).
Please note that we’re still using masks during the sessions. We would suggest to cancel the session if you’re experiencing signs of flu, cold, Covid or any contagious health issues.
Our cancellation policy
You must contact us via phone at 07596 698 198 or email if you wish to cancel your appointment. Please be aware that any cancellation requests made within 48 hours of your scheduled session may result in full fee payment.
Educational issues are always relevant, and we have decided to donate a percentage of Osteopractice – London earnings to the Iracambi project in Brazil…
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. Read all our FAQs for any question you may have about Osteopathy and Osteopractice.